Friday, February 17, 2006

Minutes; 5 Oct 2005


here are details of the next meetings of the Aberdeen Campaign Against Climate Change:

Tuesday, 18th October, 7.30 pm (venue to be announced) - organising meeting - please see agenda below

Tuesday, 22nd November, 7pm - public meeting (venue probably Art Centre, to be confirmed)

The group met last Wednesday, 5th October to discuss how to mobilise for the 3rd December Climate Change Demo. Here are brief minutes - apologies if they are not at precise - it was quite late and a noisy venue!


1. Public Meeting:

The date suggested for a public meeting was 16th November, however some of us later realised that this would clash with the Abergreen event, a major event at Aberdeen University. This has now been changed to 22nd November, 7pm. Venue Art Centre, King Street (to be confirmed).

Title: "Climate change, poverty and war"

Suggested speakers/talks:

- climate chaos in the developing world: Calvin to contact a speaker from one of the development NGOs who are part of the Climate Change and Development Group (eg Oxfam, Christian Aid, Tearfund, Action Aid)

- the politics of climate change (post-Kyoto negotiations - will our government help or sabotage them?): Almuth to contact WWF for a speaker

- oil and war - people will think of a speaker to contact (Joshua to explore?)

- trade unions and the campaign against climate change - UNISON speaker (Gerard to contact?)

- possibly a speaker for the national/Scottish Campaign Against Climate Change

2. Publicity:

Calvin will edit the national leaflet for the demo on 3rd December so that it applies to Aberdeen.

Calvin and Almuth to look at visual materials (photos of climate change impacts) prior to the first stall.

Leaflet for public meeting to be designed once speakers are confirmed and before the first stall.

3. Stalls:
It was decided to hold stalls on the two Saturdays before the public meeting. (NOTE: The Abergreen event on 16th/17th November would also be a good venue for a stall - either an extra one, or replacing one of the Saturdays - to be discussed at next meeting).

4. Funding:
Almuth to contact Gerard McCabe, who previously offered to apply for UNISON funding for group expenses.

5. E-group:
The Campaign Against Climate Change have a website where local groups can set up their own egroups. Almuth and Calvin to explore.

5. Next meeting:
Tuesday, 18th October, 7pm (Joshua to organise and confirm venue)

Proposed agenda for 18th October:

1. News from the National Campaign Against Climate Change
2. Contacts with other CCC groups in Scotland
3. Public Meeting
4. Stalls and publicity
5. Funding
6. Structure of and communication within the group (including date of the next organising meeting, and e-group)
7. Transport to demo (bus or train?)

Hope to see lots of you on the 18th!

Best wishes,

Almuth Ernsting


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