Minutes: 8th March 2006
here are the minutes for our meeting on 8th March.
I have emailed notes about the discussion on palm oil and biofuels separately.
We urgently need ideas for a stunt on 24th March (see below). We really need at least ideas before our meeting on 21st March. If you can think of anything at all, please email me and I will circulate it.
1 Critical Mass:
The first critical mass cycle ride went well with about 50 people attending. Most people seemed to enjoy it and will hopefully be back on 25th March. The Police were present in February but will hopefully now be assured that the Critical Mass events are completely lawful and will abide by normal traffic rules. For that next event, Alberto will draft a small leaflet about 'traffic behaviour' and the route of the cycle ride which people can comment on. The final version will be given to people who take part in future critical mass events, and can also be given to the Police if they are present.
It was suggested to contact the press before the next event, however there is no spokesperson and it should be clear that our group supports but does not actually organise the events. We will seek advice on how to approach the media.
Finally, Jon will be asked to change the date on the fliers and posters, so that the new version can be put on our website. Everybody can then distribute them before 25th February.
George Simpson will enquire about contacting cycling clubs in Aberdeen.
Kris will write a short piece about the first event for Scottish Indymedia and Critical Mass websites.
2. Airport Campaign:
We had a long discussion with feedback from the public meeting. We will email the Planning Department to find out when objections to the planning application for a runway application have to go in.
No final decisions were made, but ideas being considered are:
- writing to BAA and political representatives as a group, as well as individuals;
- a stall or leafletting outside the shopping centre or on High Street in Dyce, in connection with the planning application for runway extension;
- a stunt with prior press release on Friday, 24th March, the date the BAA Masterplan Consultation closes.
3. Future Meetings:
Tuesday, 21st February, 7.30 pm in the Bar at the Belmont Cinema (planning meeting)
April - meeting at New Kings Building with presentations about renewable/alternative technologies - date to be confirmed by speakers
I attach information about a public meeting about wind energy, organised by the North East Mountain Trust.
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