Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Minutes: 21st March 2006

Here are things that we need help with URGENTLY:

1. Most important: Remember to send a letter to BAA TODAY if you wish to object to Aberdeen airport expansion (if you have not done so already).

2. The period during which people can object to BAA's planning application for a runway extension will re-open as soon as BAA submit the Environmental Impact Assessment. This will be advertised in the local press. Please email me as soon as you find it published in the press, so that we don't miss the date!

3. We have had a long discussion about how to highlight our opposition to airport expansion and how to campaign further on this. However, there were only six of us at the last meeting, and we want to find out what others would like to be done. Please let me know if you have any ideas - we might also be able to have a short planning meeting with people who just want to speak about the airport campaign.

4. Please keep advertising the Critical Mass and come along this Saturday, 1pm, Castle Gate!


1. Fundraising:
Aly has been growing a half beard for a month now and has raised 300 pounds for the group as a result. Many thanks!

2. Airport Campaign:

The consultation period for the BAA Outline Masterplan ends this Friday. The consultation period for BAA's planning application for runway extension will re-open for four weeks as soon as BAA submit the Environmental Impact Assessment. This is expected to happen mid-April, but we all need to monitor the local press from now on, because it could happen any time. It will have to be advertised in the local papers.

Our focus will now shift onto Aberdeen City Council, who will decide whether to grant permission for the runway extension. We will:
- do stalls during the 4 week period where we will ask people to object to the planning application;
- write to all Councillors, with a copy of the report The Two Faces of BAA, and ask whether any Councillor might want to meet with us;
- Leafletting: Somebody had suggested going back to Dyce and leafletting. It would be great if any Dyce residents could do that - we could help design and copy/print the leaflets;
- have a presence at the Town House when the planning application is debated (early summer, probably)

We will seek advice about the planning process, eg to establish whether it is lawful for BAA to have commissioned the Environmental Impact Assessment from a company which may have a clash of interest, to find out whether standard letters signed count as formal objections, or whether we can help to get a full public enquiry.

There will be a European Day of Action on Aviation on 10th June. We had a long discussion about this or any other date suitable for possible local action, and would like to meet with others opposed to airport expansion to discuss it further.

Small grants are available for opposing airport expansion and we will find out whether this could help us (so that we could put the money from fundraising towards other public meetings and getting people to London for the National Conference and the 4th November Demo).

3. Critical Mass:

The next Critical Mass will take place this Saturday, 25th March. Posters and fliers (for bikes) can be downloaded from the website:

Leaflets called "Some recommendations to improve the enjoyment and safety of our monthly critical mass" (about how to be part of the traffic and about the route) will be handed out at the Critical Mass.

A press release has been sent out.

We will advertise our next meeting to participants by handing out fliers.

A very negative article about the first Critical Mass was published in the a newsletter of the Cycling Touring Club, Grampian. It alleged, amongst other things, that an ambulance had been held up: A very serious allegation, but one that people who were at the event believe to be completely untrue. It is important that those who attended the event reply to the article. [Please let me know if you would like a copy and have not already been sent one].

4. Next Meeting:
Kevin Christie from Scarf and David McGrath from SiGen Fuel Cells have offered to give a presentation about low or zero carbon energy at our next meeting, Tuesday, 11th April, 7.30 pm, New Kings Building.

5. Speakers' Tour:

Johnathan Neale, member of the National Planning Committee of the Campaign Against Climate Change and author of several books has offered to come to Aberdeen and speak at a public meeting. Our group would only cover the cost of the venue. Almuth to arrange a date suitable for him. Penny to contact different organistions, such as trade unions, Senior Citizens Forum, etc and ask them to make this a joint public meeting. At the meeting with Johnathan Neale, somebody from the Aberdeen group should speak about our group, particularly the campaign against Aberdeen airport expansion.

Mark Lynas had been asked if he would do a Scottish speaking tour, but is not available in the near future. He suggested asking George Monbiot, which we will do, but we are aware that he is unlikely to be available any time soon for family reasons.

6. Other National Action:

On 20th May there is a national day of action, with a focus on Exxon Mobil. Local groups will do their own events, and can choose a different focus if they wish. This will be discussed in detail at the next planning meeting, and we will try and find out what other groups are planning in the meantime.

On 3rd June there will be the National Conference in London and we hope that as many people from Scotland as possible can attend. Accommodation will be available and we may wish to subsidise transport.

For all national events, see for more details.

Penny spoke about Condolezza Rice's visit to northern England, where Stop the War members will be leafletting and protesting. We will bring this to the attention of CCC groups in northern England and to the CCC National Office.


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